Sunday, February 26, 2012

really reasonable ribbon ramblings

RRR is a challenge blog that I have frequented 
& have had in the places I visit for some time.
they are having a design team call
and I have been thinkin about entering
but whether I enter or not everyone should know bout it :)
so I thought i'd do my best to spread the word :)
here's a card I made recently with ribbon :)
for the color challenge

I will enter this into 
catered crop red
panpastel ribbon
our creative corner over the edge
moving along with the times layers
paper crafting journey make it cute
inky impressions punches dies/bright colors


  1. Hi, Ah this is a super card, love the colours you have used and WOW the way you have done the image its brilliant, thanks for playing on MAWTT this week Hazelxox

  2. fantastic card hun,i love this sc image and your colours and design are stunning :D

    xx coops xx

  3. Gorgeous card Vanessa,love those colours together!

    XXX Heidy

  4. Really pretty card design love the colour.Thanks for joining us at PanPastel uk.

    Kerry DT Leader

  5. So cute image, your card is fun !

  6. This is just super Vanessa and great colours! Good luck with the DT call. Chanelle xx

  7. Really fab card, I love the image and the way that you have used the ribbon is fab. Thank you for joining in with the PanPastel challenge blog
    Lindsay xx

  8. Gorgeous card sweetie good luck with the DT call.

    Lotsa hugs Vicky xxx

  9. Vanessa this is fantastic, I love this image, thanks for joining us at Inky Impressions. Joey x

  10. So cute! Thanks for joining us at Really Reasonable Ribbon.

  11. What a cool stamped image and I love your coloration...that hair is to die for! Thank you so much for joining us at Our Creative Corner this week!

  12. Totally fun card! You did a great job showcasing this darling image.
    Hugs Bonnie

  13. I love how you spotlighted the image - how creative! BEautiful card. Thanks for joining us at Inky Impressions!
    Sharon, II-DT

  14. Wow ... love this image, and I love her hair ... you've done a great job colouring and I love the easel style card!
    Thanks for joining us this week at Our Creative Corner!!!

  15. What a great image! Thanks so much for joining in the inky fun at Inky Impressions this week.

  16. what pretty card - and i love how you cut out the image with the nestie
    Thanks for joining us at MAWTT this week for our lots of layers challenge
    Lisa x


thanks all for takin time out to leave some love