Friday, June 15, 2012

alphabet challenge blog "J"

our letter this week is "J"
j for journey is the challenge :)

when I saw the challenge I immediately thought of my niece
Johnette is leaving to University all the way across Canada in the fall
she will attend UofBC with a music career in site!
I really wish she would 
pick a closer place to study
choose a more stable career
be super successful
very happy
and most of all
know we are here
filling her sails
keeping her afloat in tough times
& supporting her with all our hearts!!!

personally I will miss her so much :(
but I know this is somethin she wants so bad
it is impossible to not hope for all her dreams to come true
love u johni!!!

thank you so much for comin by my blog
mmmmwha :)

Will enter in saturated canary anything goes


  1. Stunning card Vanessa!!
    XXX Heidy

  2. Just gorgeous!!! What a great card for her to cherish and to remember your constant love and support.

  3. Vanessa this is such an awesome card for your niece!! She will love it!
    Tammy x

  4. so stunning hun.such a fabulous image and design :D

    xx coops xx

  5. Great card for your niece Vanessa, lovely image! I am sure you will miss her! xx


thanks all for takin time out to leave some love