Friday, June 22, 2012


sure is awesome
almost spinning outta control 
sometimes I sit back
take a breath 
& I can't believe that 
this is my life
I can not be more happy
here are some snaps of my life lately

here are some pics of zack's field trip

oh my I laughed
at the irony of this sign!

looking at peace

a calm right before a thunderstorm
just like my boys :)

on the beach

best friends

 my sweet graduate ;(((
totally cried today 
one of the other mom's said
"I can remember us standing there on the first day of kinder"
& she started crying
of course my eyes welled up
& hot tears of pride rolled their way down my face
my sweet baby boy
onto jr. high
& then conquer all his dreams

favorite teachers

like I said life is SO fast
I am sure enjoying the ride!


    My how the boys are growing!! So nice to see shots of some family shots girly! ;D

  2. awesome pics V .. Im happy your happy =)


thanks all for takin time out to leave some love