well the drop off is done
man time flies
i truly can not believe my first born
my invitro miracle
my little nick
is in jr. high
how did this happen???
where has my jaundiced
6& 1/2 pound bundle gone?
i guess
to sweet joyous memories
where all mom's store special things.
After instructing the new teacher bout Zack's diabetes & insulin & etc
Doug turned to me as we walked together, "kid-less" in the park
"aren't you crying?" he jested
i smacked him :)
outside i am good
inside i am screaming
"doesn't anybody know these are my babies?"
i know they will be ok
i know i will be ok
some tears shed as i write this
but i know
every first
also means
we are onto making new special times :)
23 hours ago
wow the boys are so big now..they were just little weren't they..lol
ack I had to look again and comment again..it just seems so fast doesn't it..you did a great job mom and dad they look like fine young men
Time is passing quickly, no doubt, but isn't it fun to watch them grow and change too.
Each day I become more enthralled with how interesting and fun my kids are becoming as they age.
Those are two very handsome boys.
Have Fun in Jr High, Nick.
big hugs V .. I was just saying today Justin will be 19 this week .. where the heck did my baby boy go??
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