Wednesday, October 31, 2012

I'm home

well i have to say life sure has tested me
this last 2 weeks has been a crazy ride
I was asked to be on an interview panel for work
a huge honor & awesome experience for me
there were 3 days of interviews
during the same time my step dad 
was nearing the end of his time with us
I wanted to be there
for him
for my mom
for me
I spent the nite with him on wednesday
showered at the hospital in the am
left him with my mom 
for what should have been a couple hours for the interview
half way through they came & got me
dave passed away peacefully
without pain
without nausea
with my mom by his side
i left saturday morning for toronto
to present the study into 
my nurses confidence & competence 
with respect to EKG monitoring 
the presentation & congress went well
i had some fun in T.O. 
did some shopping
visited the hockey hall of fame
for my babies :)
& of course nearly met with hurricane sally
but i am home now
just in time for halloween (one of my fav holidays)
a service for dave tomorrow
& then we will take him out to the lake on friday 
i know that he is smiling
so yeah 
just a few things going on here 

hurricane winds & rain 

hope you are well
hope you are happy
hope you get your scare on today :)
be back later with some pics of my frightening children!!!


  1. Sorry for your loss, sending you hugs.

    Enjoy your Halloween.

    Claire x

  2. big hugs V .. my thoughts and prayers are with you and your family .. glad to hear your interviews and presentation went well

  3. Whew! What a week you had!Reading it I would have thought it was a month not a week.
    I am sorry for your loss.I shall keep you and your family in my prayers.



thanks all for takin time out to leave some love