Saturday, March 2, 2013

mttc embossing

that's right one of my fav techniques :)
dry or wet

so for this challenge thought i'd share a sad story
my brother-in-law's nephew & his family
were the victims of a tragic fire in B.C. canada
they got out safe 
but with only each other
everything else was destroyed in the fire
the insurance company is refusing to pay :(
so this young family of 4 has nothing
here in winnipeg, manitoba
we have a special, fun way of raising money
we have things called socials
where we sell tickets to a hall
have music & food & drink
and a silent auction
this all allows people to raise $ 
for their weddings or special events
so there is a social for this family in 2 weeks
and i made an all occasion card set 
to donate to the silent auction table

breaks my heart this story
give your loved ones a hug
& make sure you and your family 
have an emergency exit plan!

I made 64 cards for the set
you will see the rest later
these are 16 of them
all the pink cards in the set are embossed
which is our theme this week :)
hope you can join us!
thanks for comin by


  1. What a fantastic idea hun, I did wonder what these were when I saw them lol!
    They are gorgeous I hope they raise a lot of money!
    Hugs Shell xx

  2. Beautiful Vanessa, what a sad story, I do hope your cards and the social raise a whole lot of money for the family.

    Pat xx

  3. Such a tragedy! I'm sure this set of cards will bring plenty to help this family.

  4. these are fabulous hun.fingers crossed the night raises a lot of money for the family.

    xx coops xx

  5. What a sad story...I'm glad everyone escaped safely though.

    These cards are so very pretty, I am sure they will raise lots of money. Wedgie xxx

  6. These are fab Vanessa - a great idea for a fundraiser - hope they raise lots of money - such a tragedy - but at least they all all safe hugs Judith x

  7. Oh that is what they were lol, I did wonder when I first saw them. What a great idea though, I hope you raise a lot of money. It is not until you are in these kind of situations that it makes you think, is it.
    Kim xXx

  8. Sad story for sure. Im happy to hear your having the social. Love your cards :D


thanks all for takin time out to leave some love