Saturday, March 7, 2009

a little somethinsomethin

I HAD to have this Stampin Up "free" stamp

It was a level 2 so I had to spend a shit load of $ to get it

LOL...yep a real hardship...hehehe

I say "a little somethinsomethin" often

it is just a very me type of ya it was a must have :)

I whipped up this little B&W 2X3 for card nite

I buggered up the white ink...guess it wasn't dry when I took the picture :(

but you get the drift & I think the girls will like it in their colors of choice :)

thanks for lookin

see ya later

1 comment:

  1. how do you come up with your designs? cuuuraaaazy! i love it. i can't believe all these ideas you have for cards. and another thing i like about it...the remind me of you.


thanks all for takin time out to leave some love