Saturday, March 7, 2009

take a you

a message for everyone to remember

take a chance on yourself

there is no one more worthy :)
the colors in this card match SO nice in real life
but in these pics...not so much :(

thanks to all of you who drop by my blog

I love hearing from all of you

one of my friends said yesterday

"I like your blog cause there is a lot of everything"

but she said she wanted me to explain where I get my ideas from

I laughed...I totally don't know

I know when I look through idea books or magazines I see a little somethin I like & I just remember it

like I was lookin through my new Canadian Scrapbooker at work (I know shameful) and I saw someone used jean on a layout...hence the jean in my baby boy is those kinda ideas that I steal from AWESOME scrappers...and I am so grateful to those scrappers & this gives me a little somethinsomethin to do on friday nites when my hubby is at the lake with his buddies :)


  1. Fabulous V! I love orange and blue...they pOP!

  2. gorgeous card ... LOVE the mix of color ... wow.
    I know what you mean, I find little bits of inspiration everywhere and it's hard to explain where the finished product came from ...

  3. Very cute card. Nice and colourful. Love the butterfly.

  4. I love the is an amazing card!!!


thanks all for takin time out to leave some love