Tuesday, April 28, 2009

as requested...more framed work

well everyone has said how much they love these mini shadow boxes

so I bought 20 to make up for my sisters garden club sale

this is #1 :)

but since I am having some surgery tomorrow

I will not be workin for another 10 days

so I will be craftin as soon as I am up to it

hopin I can get the 20 done next week

thanks for lookin
I will be havin a candy giveaway this week
soon as I am well enough to get it together


  1. Oh V she's so pretty and sprakly!
    I love her. I think you are so great at these framed pieces. Surgery? Geeze I hope your ok. Whatever it is I hope it goes smoothly and you are able to recuperate. At least you'll have the chance to scrap which is good. 20 frames eh? Wow that's a lot.
    Can't wait to see all the wonderful results? How was your card night with your friends?
    Have a great day.
    Take care,

  2. fabulous frame hun, looks amazing, hope all goes well with the surgery and that you make a swift recovery. hugs rachxx

  3. thanks for the love on the frame and more importantly for your well wishes!
    I will be fine. I have been having female problems so I am having that fixed up.

  4. Hey girl!! First of all...take care during & after your surgery!!! Love yah!
    Second...great frame!! She is so well put together! Can't wait to see your stock when your done!
    Let us know as soon as your better...or out of surgery! Thinking of you!!!

  5. Wow beautiful framed art V...
    Take care okay...

  6. More gorgeous work. :) 20 more, WOw, you'll be busy.
    Take care of yourself ... I'll be thinking of you. HUGS!

  7. thanks for worryin about me girls...aside from throwing up a lot from the stuff used to put me asleep it all went great. I am sure to be back up & running real soon...hugs to you all


thanks all for takin time out to leave some love