Monday, April 27, 2009


here are some pictures

so many have been askin about card nite

I will try to take a few pics when the girls are here tonite
but the first is of the living area...zack is craftin :)
the second pic is of the embossing, sizzix area and the kid type cards
the third pic is of the sugar, bella & penny black area
the forth pic is the tables
and the fifth is of the bar area where the food will be :)

usually 5-12 girls come out to make cards & visit

usually it is informal...sometimes we make an item all together

but mostly they just do whatever they want :)

I love it

I love to share my stuff

I love to see what everyone makes from the examples

I love to get together with the girls & visit over crafts & food :)
thanks for comin...wish you could come tonite!


  1. Okay V you have convinced me give me a few hours I'll be right over what do want me to bring?...

  2. Bwwwaaaaaa .... I wanna come and play ... sniff, sniff.
    Have fun ladies .... can't wait to see some creations. :)
    Everything looks wonderful ... you have a very cool "play" area.

  3. Wow I wish we all could come and play, visit and create.
    Thanks for sharing your space.
    I love to see your little guy crafting. So cute. Have a great time with your friends V.

  4. LOL one brings anything but is all on me & I LOVE it...I think there are cheap seats tickets...come & play!!!
    LOL cindy...did you see the toys? we have a few! the craft tables get set up in the "toy area" as we like to call it :) their toys make way for mine :)))
    anytime you wanna door is always open
    P I can seriously not stamp enough images for these guys to color...we have stacks of them colored & honestly I have to throw them away when they are at school or my house would be full!!!
    we will totally have fun Kim!!!

  5. SO FUN!!! I think you should host a retreat :) I'd come!!! Not sure how much I'd get done..but I'd be there!

  6. aww .. I wanna come to .. I'll be coming with Trish - lol :-)

    have a wonderful time!

  7. totally would do a girls name the weekend/week & I will stock up on the high calorie foods, wine & fun times :)))
    my door is wide open AND READY ANYTIME...actually I dare you :)

  8. looks like a lot of fun hun, your little guy looks so adorable crafting, aww bless him. hugs rachxx

  9. you know Rach they honestly craft ALL the time...which is why I can craft too!
    I am SO lucky that they are 5&7 and still wanna do stuff with me...soon they will say "forget it Mom" & I will have to do what they want till they are in bed...for now I am just enjoying having craft time!

  10. I'm IN!! I say October! :) Trish, Tammy, Paola...come on girls you know it would be a hoot!

  11. Thanks for the wonderful evening. It was nice visiting with everyone and I got done what I needed to. The choices were overwelming in all ways.
    see ya soon Ronda

  12. Lisa...I am going to visit T&T in etown in could we pick a different month :)
    thanks to you too Ron...I had fun too!

  13. YOU ARE??? Hmmmm Maybe I should come....(inviting myself here! lol) What are you girls doing??


thanks all for takin time out to leave some love