Thursday, April 16, 2009

distant friends

Scrappin & cardmaking sure is an awesome way to meet new people
although they may be far away in distance
I have found some of the nicest & most like me friends through this hobby
I wanted to send a little thank you out to a new friend of mine from the UK
(yes I mean England) and she requested something that touched my heart
she asked for nothing from me but a handmade card
my work, some of my art
now this lady is an awesome artist!
she makes the most beautiful of works
and she wanted something of mine
to me that is THE greatest compliment
please go & check out her site
& remember not only is her work beautiful
but her spirit is as well.

here is her card
I worked on it late into the nite
and tried to make it as perfect as I could

it will go out to her this morning

I wonder how long it will take to travel the world :)
I can not wait for you to get it Kim!


  1. oh my gosh V you have outdone yourself it is beautiful...I love the heart rhinestone on the little girl the glitter..the blue flowers oh my ...your far away friend will be so pleased with this ...great work as always V...

  2. this is brilliant, love the colouration and the little gems that you have added. gorgeous. hugs rach xx

  3. Love it! I love how you used two different dies...the blue behind is awesome! Great job again girl!

    Lucky Kim! ;)

  4. Awww that's so beautiful V. I love the card it's perfect. It's wonderful that you have a new friend who loves this hobby as much as you do.
    One of my fav. cards.

  5. Your work paid off. This is a stunning creation! Your coloring and colors are just like a spring garden. Wow!

  6. Beautiful ... your cards are always a gorgeous piece of art. Your new friend will cherish this.

    Hey, You'll be surprised at how quick your card gets there. :)

  7. those of you who comment all the time I wanted you to know you are always my biggest cheering squad, I am so grateful for you...and I hope you realize that much of the heart I put into my work has you girls in mind :)
    Oh & Crissy...thanks for stoppin by...hope to see you again soon


thanks all for takin time out to leave some love