Thursday, April 16, 2009

stamps & more stamps :)

yep just placed my third order of Sugar Nellies in a month over at Funky kits
yes I can spell intervention :) but I don't like to :)
then I discovered this cute little store called Roses on Paper and ordered my first Magnolias, my first Whiff of Joy and a few more Sugars from Rachelle Anne was pretty AWESOME to have so many options all at one store. Not to mention Summer at Roses on Paper was just awesome to deal with...yep a pleasure it was to spend some money there :) give her a visit if you are in the market for some great goods :)
I can not WAIT to get my new toys :))))))))))))))))))))))
see ya later all


  1. Hey V..
    Haven't been here in a while..I am soooo sorry about that. have been busy. All great stuff.. Love it as always.
    I really need to get back into it.
    Chat soon..


  2. Wheeeeee ..... new goodies. Can't wait to see what you create. :)

  3. rofl. what are you like.. hope you enjoy your new stamps when they arrive. you will be spoilt for choice. hugs rach. xx

  4. Hi K! I have missed you girl :) I take it your trip was awesome?!
    Cindy...thanks girl! have you made anything with your new bellas?
    Lisa...what have you bought for you lately? oh ya a ladybug ring & new shoes...but you should still buy more :)
    Rach...hehe...what are you like? I know I will enjoy them and you are right I will have tons to choose from :)


thanks all for takin time out to leave some love