Tuesday, July 7, 2009

My Favorite Card So Far

Ok...so I worked last nite & just had all kinds of energy today


who knows but I am not questioning it :)))

So I started coloring this beautiful image from a friend to match some gorgeous prima flowers I bought yesterday and it all just kinda came together (although these are not my favorite colors)

I just love this card

it screams me

it screams to be given to someone real special

it screams good job

not something I often hear from myself (I am sure many of you ladies can relate to that)

so I will leave to work shortly happy & proud of my blog accomplishment if only for a moment!

thank you so much for comin by

see ya soon


  1. It is a fabulous job Nessa!! I LOVE the flowers but the colored ones just shine too! GOOOooorgeous!


thanks all for takin time out to leave some love