Sunday, July 5, 2009

sending my love with Whiff of Joy

I LOVE this stamp...she is so sweet blowin hearts filled with love & appreciation

this Melinda WOJ stamp is good for so many sentiments :)))

today I choose "sending my love" a studio G stamp

I used white puff paint on her wings and Diamond Glaze on her hair, pants & the hearts

there is a little bling too :)

hope you are havin an awesome Sunday

it sure is a HOT one here!!!

ttysoon :)


  1. super cute .. I love the swirls on her pant leg :-)

  2. Very pretty Nessa! So much great detail! I LOVE this charm too!

  3. thanks so much girls for all your love :) it means tons to me that you spend time here :)

  4. Awww she is so sweet. I just love all the little touches on her clothes and around her.
    Super sweet!
    Sorry I have not been around. I've been juggling a lot of things here and took a break from my dads place for awhile.

  5. nice to see ya around P!
    hope you are doin ok with the move :)


thanks all for takin time out to leave some love