Wednesday, August 19, 2009

hey girls

so sorry nothin to post but some tidbits
I am workin a ton
our friends bought a cottage near us but real overgrown trees
Doug went to help clear the land on the weekend and he is FULL of Poisen Ivy
I am taking him to the hospital soon he thinks it is in his EYE!!!
the boys are awesome, havin a great summer
I got a bunch of new stamps in the mail :)
musta ordered a bunch in my
going to the lake tomorrow for a whole WEEK!!!!!!!!!!!!
bought a wack of new stamps at Mikes...they musta fell in my cart :)
so I have a lot to work with...but no time to do it :(
can't wait to find myself an hour of time to crack out some cards or a lo :)
hope to see you soon but if I don't it I will see ya next wednesday!
happy holidays my girls


  1. Sorry to hear about D...that can not be fun...bust out the Chamomile lotion. Take care and have a great week at the lake ..I look forward to your creations and wow those stamps are naughty they do the same thing to me..just jump right into that cart...

  2. Have a great holiday V!! And I hope you get to use those stamps real soon! :)


thanks all for takin time out to leave some love