Wednesday, August 26, 2009

our holiday

was absolutely fanflippintastic!!!

thanks for all your emails wishing us well :)

makes me feel important & missed :)

we went swimming all day long saturday

that was awesome

many of the days it rained but we had a blast

we painted the deck yesterday :)

the boys helped (I know...scary)
but it was fun lol

we had a big bonfire

did a ton of visiting with friends & family

I feel very rested & ready to start my fulltime job in September

yep you heard me

my babies are going to school fulltime so back to work I go :(

lol...kiddin I am lookin forward to it

after a great vacation like we had

I am ready :)

I hope you all kept well :)

I missed ya


  1. Great pics ... looks like it was a blast. :)
    Good luck with work ... :)

  2. Missed ya' girly!!
    Glad you are always...GREAt pics! :)

  3. wow I wanna come play...missed you lots V and man alive full time...we are so gonna have some fun when you come to visit...

  4. Welcome back :-)

    Awesome pics :-)

    Happy you had a blast :-)


thanks all for takin time out to leave some love