Sunday, May 16, 2010

Jason & Heidi Anyone for Anya

last nite was Jason (Doug's cousin) & Heidi's wedding social
[for those of you noncanadians a wedding social is a party in a hall that you sell tickets to to raise money for a couple getting married]
anyways we had a ton of fun last nite
Doug drank too much and I danced all nite :)
yep we had fun
so today is their shower (gift day for the couple)

this weeks challenge at Anyone for Anya is
"Don't Be Square" lol
anything that is not the usual 6x6 card
so I wanted to make a heart shaped card for J&H
started it yesterday & finished it up this morning just in time for the shower :)

hope your sunday is a great one
hugs V


  1. LOL there are many provinces within Canada that don't know what a social is Nessa....they don't have Socials here in BC. I think they are a great idea myself!
    Anyway...fabulous job on your card Nessa!! Very pretty!

  2. What a wonderfull card, love the colours and what a good idea that social party.I became your follower, maybe you can take a look at my blog to. Good luck with the challenge.Greets Marion.

  3. oooh, a STAG AND DOE! :) glad you had fun, V'ness! hope Doug's noggin is okay today, and your muscles aren't too achy! the card is TOO cute!

  4. What an adorable card!! I love the anya's... Are they new??

    Hugs, Gina Marie

  5. Love your card - you should do some of these for valentines day next year and sell them...

    Hugs x

    Craftie Mummy


thanks all for takin time out to leave some love