Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Whiff of Joy guest designer call

Katharina writes: All 2 months on the 16th, I am holding a Guest Designer Call ( in the name of Whiff of Joy). The call will be open for 1 week. I will then choose 1-3 Guest Designers who will be creating cards or papercraftprojects with Whiff of Joy’s newest stamps for the next 2 months until the next Guest Designers are chosen.

well you all know I love Whiff of Joy!!!
they have this guest designer call out for the next few months
so get your entries in!!!
Katharina is asking for cards with red, orange & one other color.
I will give you one guess at the color I chose...black of course :)
so here is my entry
it is my first ever tri shutter card
they are cool to make so maybe give it a shot girls!!!

thanks so much for comin by
see ya soon!


  1. Your card is FANTASTIC Nessa!! Love the Black with the red/orange! WTGG!! Very sharp!

  2. thanks for the lurrrrve, girlie! had i known about this guest designer spot, i might have changed my colour scheme (though not likely, as i couldn't WAIT to play with my new paper!). ;) your tri-shutter card ROCKS, hun! such a fun, happy card, and that black background paper is HOT!!

  3. wow Vanessa this is really striking.. good luck hun.
    Hugz Rach xxx

  4. I love the orange!!!! Good luck...even though I know you dont need luck! Your rockin' it girlie! xo Lisa

  5. they are a fun card to make eh =)

    you did a fantastic job on your card and I love that velvety black paper of course =)

  6. totally gorgeous^^ I am in love:)

  7. This card is absolutely gorgeous! You should have no problem securing that GD spot!
    P.S. Please come check out my new challenge blog! The first challenge starts Sunday, May 23rd. I hope to see you there! xo Kelli

  8. okay bang up job lady...you have to get this one..seriously this card is rocking ...wow V

  9. Wow, what elegant card. Great idea to combine this 2 images.
    Katharina x


thanks all for takin time out to leave some love