Wednesday, September 7, 2011

first ambivalent
filled with excitement
inlaid with some fear
always leave me feeling a little queezy
and so very proud!
I can not believe how time has just flown by!
How my sweet little Nick is helping other peoples little ones cross the road.
How did my babies become so big?
I ask you how does this happen???

first day of grade 3!

wow first day of grade 5 already!!!

first day on patrol
oh my word!

oh yeah & some first pics of the caddy

hope your firsts are as awesome as ours are
I have to go now to wipe away my first day tears & suck it up


  1. I have no idea how that happens! You're handsome boys are getting so grown looking though!
    Love the caddy! :)

  2. wow that is some car hunny - me and hubby has just spent ages looking at it. so Stunning. !

    Your boys are just wonderful and they looks so happy - best of luck in the new term

    sarah x

  3. They do grow up so darn fast eh. I remember Justin's first day of patrol. He was sooo excited. He did it all grade 5 and 6. I cant believe he's done school and will be 18 next week :sigh: Enjoy every minute with them V =)

    Sweet ride ;)

  4. Good thing hubby wasn't reading over my shoulder! We just sold our antique auto and I don't want him ohhhing over yours! Although I think that yours has even bigger fins than ours did! We live in the mountains where all the roads are VERY curvy, I told him that the darn thing was so big it needed to be hinged in the middle to go around some of our mountain curves! Sweet looking ride.


thanks all for takin time out to leave some love