Tuesday, September 6, 2011

our trip

It was a VERY LONG drive
torturous actually!!!
on the way there I believe I asked the boys to get along close to a billion times :(
then I screamed at the top of my lungs to be nice to eachother
and we laughed hysterically :)
hysterical is the key word :)

but when we got there and saw this...wow!!!

dino prints :)

fossil awesomeness

then we went to the largest canadian reptile museum
we saw some crocs & alis & a bunch of poisonous & killer reptiles

oh and we held a few :)

it was an awesome trip fer sure :)))

note to self...don't drive...fly next time :)))


  1. Hi sweetness fabulous pics looks like an awesome trip & worth the long drive & screaming lol.... My boys were the same when they were younger lol.....thankfully when they get to their teens they start to get along better & argue a LOT less lol......

    Lotsa hugs Vicky xxx

  2. Welcome home =) Happy to hear you had fun here in AB =)


thanks all for takin time out to leave some love