Monday, March 23, 2009

awesomely coo"lust" fun

yep those boys of mine lust after the water

they must be in it 24/7 :)

good thing the pool at our hotel was awesome!

pics from last weekend in the united states :)

thanks for lookin

used my glimmer mists along the egdes and on the mat :)

see ya


Anonymous said...

Those are GREAT pictures! Love the layout!! I can't wait to get some glimmer mist! They finally got some in at my LSS... just don't know what color to pick!

Lisa G. said...

LOVE IT! Love the orange! and I totally love the little fishy! :)

Cindye Wile said...

How cool is that ... WOW. LOVE it and those pictures are awesome. :)

Paola said...

Beautiful layouts. Great photos.
Great touches. You always take great water shots.
Have a great day.

Tammy (Scrappy and T) said...

great pics .. great LO's .. great misting .. wonderful!

scrapeahappy said...

Aorable Layout! Love the photos!

Anonymous said...

Your layouts always have a little extra to look at and fabulous little details. I like the little fishes stamps and the orange contrast.

Trish a.k.a stampi said...

Nicely done V...really enjoy the misting, the little fishy, and the foil chipboard looks so good can really rock the two page layout..way to go...

Scrapthat said...

SUPER LO girl!! I love it!

Anonymous said...

Just love that layout, my dear! Very awesome!